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Full Version: Duodecim Dissidia: Final Fantasy announced
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Grey Ghost Wrote: [ -> ]* Final Fantasy II: Mindu

* Final Fantasy IV: "Spoony Bard", Edward and Rydia

* Final Fantasy VII: Red XIII (Nanaky) and Cid

* Final Fantasy Tactics: Ramza and Agrias

* Final Fantasy VIII: Seifer and Laguna

* Final Fantasy IX: Vivi and Quina

* Final Fantasy X: Auron

* Final Fantasy XII: Vaan and Larsa

source: PSPGEN

No Seymour... but I suppose Auron and Minwu make up for it ;_;

Of course this only based on information on an image circulating the web. I wouldn't call it definite just yet.

Quote:But spell me wrong, but the spoony bArd is the last one I'd add into the game

Better than Quina, goddamnit.
Oh there's an image?
I just took a look, generic white mage (If it's real, how the fudge is she going to FIGHT?) and red mage are there ^_^ and it's loli Rydia
Goshi Wrote:No Seymour... but I suppose Auron and Minwu make up for it ;_;

Of course this only based on information on an image circulating the web. I wouldn't call it definite just yet.

Exactly, these are just some more characters that have been announced. There will be more on the way, because as said, nothing is definite yet.
Nevertheless that this is all but a picture, no where near definite proof.
The fact that it doesn't have yuffie made me refuse to believe that this is anywhere near the final cast
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]Nevertheless that this is all but a picture, no where near definite proof.
The fact that it doesn't have yuffie made me refuse to believe that this is anywhere near the final cast

While it's not definite, I wouldn't mind if it was real.
if you bought japanese BBS and 3rd Birthday, you unlock Kingdom Heart costume for cloud, and Aya Brea costume for Lightning/
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]if you bought japanese BBS and 3rd Birthday, you unlock Kingdom Heart costume for cloud, and Aya Brea costume for Lightning/

If you buy Dissidia Duodecim: Final Fantasy and 3rd Birthday. You get Lightning an Aya costume.
Boobs Tifa confirmed to be playable

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