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Full Version: Duodecim Dissidia: Final Fantasy announced
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im just keen for more Dissidia


[Image: 54022182.png]

Doesn't look like much is changed.
Odin Woot! Yay
Syfe Wrote: [ -> ]http://www.square-enix.co.jp/dissidia_012/

official site opens, for those of you who can read the Kanji please translate for the rest of us.

saishuu kessen ni mukau haiboku no monogatari
if my japanese is not failing me then it's
The tale of defeat is heading for the final battle?

something like that, yeah
* Final Fantasy II: Mindu

* Final Fantasy IV: "Spoony Bard", Edward and Rydia

* Final Fantasy VII: Red XIII (Nanaky) and Cid

* Final Fantasy Tactics: Ramza and Agrias

* Final Fantasy VIII: Seifer and Laguna

* Final Fantasy IX: Vivi and Quina

* Final Fantasy X: Auron

* Final Fantasy XII: Vaan and Larsa

source: PSPGEN
Grey Ghost Wrote: [ -> ]* Final Fantasy II: Mindu

* Final Fantasy IV: "Spoony Bard", Edward and Rydia

* Final Fantasy VII: Red XIII (Nanaky) and Cid

* Final Fantasy Tactics: Ramza and Agrias

* Final Fantasy VIII: Seifer and Laguna

* Final Fantasy IX: Vivi and Quina

* Final Fantasy X: Auron

* Final Fantasy XII: Vaan and Larsa

source: PSPGEN

Woot Red XIII.
Grey Ghost Wrote: [ -> ]* Final Fantasy II: Mindu

* Final Fantasy IV: "Spoony Bard", Edward and Rydia

* Final Fantasy VII: Red XIII (Nanaky) and Cid

* Final Fantasy Tactics: Ramza and Agrias

* Final Fantasy VIII: Seifer and Laguna

* Final Fantasy IX: Vivi and Quina

* Final Fantasy X: Auron

* Final Fantasy XII: Vaan and Larsa

source: PSPGEN

Bolded are the ones I ones I really care about. For Rydia, I hope she's a little girl though I do like the older Rydia anyway. Also I'm not too confident that it's real.
Holy smokes. Rydiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa how could I forget about you!
I wonder if she can transform between the loli form and the BB form
Hmm, loli for normal, BB for EX. Could work.
But spell me wrong, but the spoony bArd is the last one I'd add into the game
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