Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] Flurrime Mercuria for 5.50
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woot nice ^_^
... *Thinking about upgrading to 6.60 just to get that.* ... Hmm...
Hi I have had this theme since I first got into CFW which was way back on 5.00m33 I just love the design, but I have always wondered what the game intro was from any ideas?
amerem Wrote: [ -> ]Hi I have had this theme since I first got into CFW which was way back on 5.00m33 I just love the design, but I have always wondered what the game intro was from any ideas?

Thank you very much, I'm glad you like it and that you use it for so long!^^ And it's actually partially in the name, I took the game loading snippet from the intro of the Visual Novel: Mercuria ~Mizu no Miyako ni Koi no Hanataba o~ https://vndb.org/v2630
Oh cool thank you for the help I have been reading novels quite a bit lately
amerem Wrote: [ -> ]Oh cool thank you for the help I have been reading novels quite a bit lately

No problem you're welcome!^^ And I see, after all I've heard about Mercuria I would like to read it as the story and concept sounds interesting to me but without any English patch I'm out of luck sadly :(
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