Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] Flurrime Mercuria for 5.50
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Looks great! Thanks for the release.
I want this. How would I go about upgrading from 5.0x M33?
Great job!  Themes are a pain in the donkey to make aren't they!  :P

Hope you stick with it because they are also very fun!

I used to call my PSP my canvas for creativity ;)
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]I want this. How would I go about upgrading from 5.0x M33?


and upgrade through up the D3
[Image: texaboutpspen7.png]

I want that as my wallpaper for me pspWhyowhy

of coarse without the text Hi
asurabp Wrote: [ -> ]I want that as my wallpaper for me pspWhyowhy

of coarse without the text Hi

Get the archive, open the template inside it (which is the clean background), cut the girl in the corner off and paste it onto the background.  Done.

And no, I'm not going to do that and upload it for you, it takes you like 1 minute at most.
Wow really thanks for all the positive feedback.... I never would have thought it will be received so well by people.... it really means much to me^^
Maybe I will do more themes SchmilK but Flurrime is enough for now xD

As for a 5.00 conversion, I could give it a run through CTF GUI but I would have no way of testing it.....


[Image: wallsp.png]
SkyDX Wrote: [ -> ]As for a 5.00 conversion, I could give it a run through CTF GUI but I would have no way of testing it.....


* S7* waves hand
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]
SkyDX Wrote: [ -> ]As for a 5.00 conversion, I could give it a run through CTF GUI but I would have no way of testing it.....


* Senseito7 waves hand

When you're home^^
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]I want this. How would I go about upgrading from 5.0x M33?

Pages: 1 2 3 4
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