Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 5.50 Nameplate modding?
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I used to mod my Nameplate (the About PSP option) all the time on 1.5 with XFlash but I can't find any tools or info on how to do it on 5.xx, could anyone lend me a hand?

Thanks in advance!^^
I'm pretty sure V1 did it on his theme V1, lol.

* lembas waits for V1.
* SkyDX waits too^^
Isn't it just an rco? Just use rco editor on it and replace the images...

Does anybody remember an option to place an image into the flash0 and it would appear in system settings... I don't remember what it's called though :/ and it wasn't the "About PSP" option...

Unless I'm remember false info... but I remember it so clearly I doubt that it's fake...

I'm pretty sure the Stella Artois PSP's had it...
its in the sysconf_plugin_about.rco you can use rcoedit/rco mage to change them
Thanks Blake, and Aspheric, look into it, I'm interested^^
SkyDX Wrote: [ -> ]look into it, I'm interested^^

As in you want us too or are you and you just forgot to type "ing"
Nope I didn't forgot the "ing", I would like to look into it but unfortunately my PSP skills are very basic^^'
Ah Ok... I'll whip something up then...

Please state your firmware
Thanks Aspheric, I really appreciate it^^ My FW is 5.50 Prometheus.
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