08/08/2010, 06:31 PM
Due to my last anger blow up and addition to said amount of things from my girlfriend's parents and family. It is unfortunate to say she has decided to break up with me. 
At first I thought you know that I would be terribly sad to have her do that to me.
But to have her just say I have been lying to her and cheating on her and calling her ugly all this time. To have her accuse me of being the exact thing I have been avoiding. She said that I was a jerk and that I was breaking her from her family. She called me mentally unstable and threatened to call suicide watch on me.
And sure maybe I did get mad at her sometimes and maybe she took things the wrong way. But you know what. I owned up to my problems and started telling my mom about my problems. Hell I even started to go to therapy to fix things.
But she said I didn't fix it fast enough. 12 sessions of therapy and she said I amounted to nothing.
Spoon like that takes time. She told me to mature up. To be more of a man so I can date her again. Is that right?
Does that mean I have to change for her? Cause I don't want to do that.
By mature she wants me to change the way I react to certain things. She wants me to be more honest in the sense if she asls me one of those 'Am I fat?' kind of question she wants me to be honest about it.
Or how she wants me to get a job....I have been trying to get one.
Or how I should learn to drive.....I am learning but you know I don't need a permit to drive.
She just doesn't trust me anymore.
But she bases her trust on truths or deeds that are shown through hard evidence.
And supposedly since I don't have a permit, I havent been learning, therefore I have been lying to her. becuase I haven't gotten a job, I never applied, therefore I have been lying to her.
I used to see her as a big part of my foundation and I used to say that 'i love her' but im not so sure anymore.
Cause since she has broken up, I have that feeling like a big weight was lifted off my back. Sure I am sad but I feel free.
She wants to give me all her gifts I gave her back. (now that I think about it today, she even accused me that I didn't her any gifts) she gave me back the diamond necklace I got her that cost me my birthday money/christmas money and she said that if I saw her in the next 3-4 months she would have her brothers go and kick my donkey.
I responded that I would charge them for battery.
she responded saying that she wouldn't.
and when i went to rescind my earlier coment she called me a liar. (LOL)
But i digress.
Should I make the effort of changing so I can be with her, or should I date new people?

At first I thought you know that I would be terribly sad to have her do that to me.
But to have her just say I have been lying to her and cheating on her and calling her ugly all this time. To have her accuse me of being the exact thing I have been avoiding. She said that I was a jerk and that I was breaking her from her family. She called me mentally unstable and threatened to call suicide watch on me.
And sure maybe I did get mad at her sometimes and maybe she took things the wrong way. But you know what. I owned up to my problems and started telling my mom about my problems. Hell I even started to go to therapy to fix things.
But she said I didn't fix it fast enough. 12 sessions of therapy and she said I amounted to nothing.

Spoon like that takes time. She told me to mature up. To be more of a man so I can date her again. Is that right?
Does that mean I have to change for her? Cause I don't want to do that.
By mature she wants me to change the way I react to certain things. She wants me to be more honest in the sense if she asls me one of those 'Am I fat?' kind of question she wants me to be honest about it.
Or how she wants me to get a job....I have been trying to get one.
Or how I should learn to drive.....I am learning but you know I don't need a permit to drive.
She just doesn't trust me anymore.
But she bases her trust on truths or deeds that are shown through hard evidence.
And supposedly since I don't have a permit, I havent been learning, therefore I have been lying to her. becuase I haven't gotten a job, I never applied, therefore I have been lying to her.
I used to see her as a big part of my foundation and I used to say that 'i love her' but im not so sure anymore.
Cause since she has broken up, I have that feeling like a big weight was lifted off my back. Sure I am sad but I feel free.
She wants to give me all her gifts I gave her back. (now that I think about it today, she even accused me that I didn't her any gifts) she gave me back the diamond necklace I got her that cost me my birthday money/christmas money and she said that if I saw her in the next 3-4 months she would have her brothers go and kick my donkey.
I responded that I would charge them for battery.
she responded saying that she wouldn't.
and when i went to rescind my earlier coment she called me a liar. (LOL)
But i digress.
Should I make the effort of changing so I can be with her, or should I date new people?
She was my first relationship and I was her first too. I dont know if that would change anythng.