Endless Paradigm

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ExBu Wrote: [ -> ]
300nukez Wrote: [ -> ]
Grey Ghost Wrote: [ -> ]stay? i really don't know dude, go with what you think is right. Follow you heart and all that.

if i could i would live in japan
lol days would be filled with nosebleeds as I stroll streets covered with Japanese women

lol, was waiting for comment like that.

me too
oh gawd lets not talk about it
I don't wana end up felling perverted ._.
if your family is that rich why not just study abroad? shrug, don't hit your head hard when you get here though, japan is different from the outside, very very different.
though he can't speak japanese
there are plenty of people came here to start language school, i have this guy here doesn't even know about Sushi, nor heard of Gundam,
requirement for non-asian people: basically none, apart from money.

(yes, wee asian required alot of craps to be accepted into this place =/ )
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]there are plenty of people came here to start language school, i have this guy here doesn't even know about Sushi, nor heard of Gundam,
requirement for non-asian people: basically none, apart from money.

(yes, wee asian required alot of craps to be accepted into this place =/ )

doesn't know of sushi?


though i would imagine the best way for me or anyone to learn japanese would be to live there and take classes. then no matter what i do i would need to learn it.

it's easy to give up outside of japan because of always saying

"well i may still never go there"

wonder what getting a job would be like xD
Personally I'd stay. Get yourself a job (If you don't already have one), buy lots of timber and build a house on the aforementioned 12 football fields of land. Or just save up and build a real house. I know the 3 little pigs story is only a myth but you never know...
use all that you have learned in GTA to organize a crime ring and protect the family with large guns and dogs in mexico :)
or using that Mafia War thing on facebook :P
i say study abroad, if you are rich, staying in america is one thing, but will you be able to do what you want to do, and if mexico isn't your thing either then go to japan or wherever.

I mean i know plenty of people who study abroad and go to school in america (they are from outside of america) and yeah sure they may not know the language that well but they do take language classes and they get it done, as long as you know your goals everything will be easier.
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