I totally dreamed about EP last night. Andrewcc, Zinga, boogs, and one other person were nearby. Not going to get too much into the details, but it turned out Zinga was racist against Turians and Quarians :o
I don't remember my dreams when I wake up but out of the ones I do remember, never have.
I have
but I was also surfing the web in my dream
I always forget my dreams ._.
Ekusoshisuto Wrote: [ -> ]I always forget my dreams ._.
Same :(
if I did it's in my blog.... so no I don't believe so.
Hellgiver Wrote: [ -> ]I totally dreamed about EP last night. Andrewcc, Zinga, boogs, and one other person were nearby. Not going to get too much into the details, but it turned out Zinga was racist against Turians and Quarians :o
Can you try decribe how they looked physically?
Well, I saw them on my HUD, which was how I knew it was them. I dream of forums occasionally, and I usually see them with their name somewhere. Zinga, eventually found me, and he had sort of a big head, light-brown, curly hair, and small-framed glasses. I don't remember if he said anything at that point, but I do remember that the actual meeting was the shortest part of my dream. The constant texting and talking were the main parts of the dream's beginning.
for some reason i also expect zinga to hav glasses...