a lot of my dreams consist of me sitting, looking at my laptop in the position I'm laying in, so i could have easily dreamed i was on EP
I've dreamed about forums, but can't really remember which ones exactly. But those dreams are rather rare. Surprising, especially considering how much time I spend on forums.
300nukez Wrote: [ -> ]for some reason i also expect zinga to hav glasses...
I don't :P
just because of this thread i will most likely have an EP dream now.... tis very cool that i was in your dream hellgiver.....
I've dreamed about EP a few times. I think I had one dream about being neg repped. I don't remember by who

My dreams are boring; dreams about sitting. Just sitting in a chair, empty room, empty everything. But the chair is the most comfortable chair in existance, and I'm in comfortable clothes. So it's relaxing in a zen way, sorta.