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copy /b file1.(image) + file2.(zip, rar) file1.(image)


copy /b bread.png + derp.zip bread.png

copies thisfile + thisfile (into) thisfile
Trying to fudge me over?

* 1-R flips over
./xitherun.sh Wrote: [ -> ]copy /b file1.(image) + file2.(zip, rar) file1.(image)


copy /b bread.png + derp.zip bread.png

copies thisfile + thisfile (into) thisfile

im kinda stupid. i don't undersant sorry.
Open a command prompt Win + R » cmd


copy /b bread.png + derp.zip bread.png

obviously substituting your own .zip or .rar and image
./xitherun.sh Wrote: [ -> ]Open a command prompt Win + R » cmd


copy /b bread.png + derp.zip bread.png

obviously substituting your own .zip or .rar and image

so i would type    "copy /b (image url, asin like c:/documents and setting/red.jpg) + (zip url) (image url)"


sorry to be a dumbass but idk, if i saw it in action i probably would of understood alot quicker..
Something like that - you just need to concatenate the files.

By the way, it's not an "URL", rather, a path (URL usually refers to an internet address).
lol pretty sweet, hard to open up the file though :/ had to copy into roaming folder
Mickey Wrote: [ -> ]lol pretty sweet, hard to open up the file though :/ had to copy into roaming folder

hmmm? What archiver do you use?
./xitherun.sh Wrote: [ -> ]
Mickey Wrote: [ -> ]lol pretty sweet, hard to open up the file though :/ had to copy into roaming folder

hmmm? What archiver do you use?

winrar, extracted the stuff onto desktop though, is that why?
it should work, as long as the .dll is in the same folder. I dunnoo
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