Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2 3
Do not download this image, and whatever you do, do not open it as an archive.
... o3o
what's in the file?
hmm..? Ok I won't :o
Quote:Do not download this image, and whatever you do, do not open it as an archive.
I did both, is my computer fudgeed?
has some file called schismtracker.exe inside it
with a .it file and a .dll

which opens this chiptune maker

[Image: 89568774.png]

if i open the .it file it came with

it plays some seriously weird music.
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]it plays some seriously weird music.

I lol'd.

It's all Speak 'N Spell samples, most from a circuit bent one.

I got super bored.

./xitherun.sh Wrote: [ -> ]
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]it plays some seriously weird music.

I lol'd.

It's all Speak 'N Spell samples, most from a circuit bent one.

I got super bored.


Lol, I saw that in the list or word samples I had, and I had to use it. Hihi
how do you put files into a picture?
Pages: 1 2 3
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