Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]Guess I just like using http://square brackets
that must have took you like a year to type out :P
Way Too High Wrote: [ -> ]Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]Guess I just like using http://square brackets
that must have took you like a year to type out :P
I was interrupted by an ant [see shoutbox]
Ekusoshisuto Wrote: [ -> ]Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]Guess I just like using http://square brackets
Broken Link D:
![[Image: 9e7e0_broken-link-final.jpg]](
Hm, so a week ago after some heavy thunderstorms I lose my internet, went two days without it until the cable company came to fix it 2 days later. Replaced the cable modem and after a few tries the internet was restored.
But now in a cruel twist of events, every morning I have to wait and hour or two until the internet is up and running and even then sometimes it goes at a considerably slow speed :/
First hurricane of the season passed today, luckily our area didn't get flooded, can't say much for the central/southern area though. Plenty of streets were was pandemonium!!!
Hopefully this year there's not too many serious hurricanes :/
Super Idol Lunar-chan Wrote: [ -> ]Be careful ekuso!! ;o;
^ that.
hurricanes are never good news D:
Just got back from helping neighbors move, mildly tired but am now 50 dollars richer :P
Yes hurricanes are not good at all D: hoping this hurricane season is calmer than the last ones
Cables being damaged sucks. Hope nothing else got ruined.