Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Shocking computer causes freeze?
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I've had this issue a few times in the past - wondering if it happens to anyone else.

I've got my computer on the floor.  Yesterday, I happened to knock a speaker off the table and hit the PC case.  Speaker was fine, but interestingly, the computer froze.  That is, screen still displayed stuff but mouse/keyboard input did nothing, pulling out a USB stick didn't do anything etc.  Pressing the restart button solved the issue.  Note that nothing actually broke however.

My old PC had a similar issue.  I recall kicking it once and it froze up like that.

Can't really figure out why it would do that - fans don't seem to mind being stopped, and the HDD shouldn't cause a lock up like that...

So anyone else experienced this?
with my old pc (dell) if you kicked it in the side it would blue screen instantly
I don't really remember "shocking" my computer before.  It's placed on top of the table right beside me, so I can't accidentally kick it or anything, and I don't feel like doing it on purpose lol.

Freeze seems weird though... I'd expect it to either continue as if nothing happened, or completely crash out (blue screen or shut off).
I remember some old computers wee had in school. They would restart if they were hit. Of course this led to great fun when someone was justa bout to complete a flash game or what-have-you and then a tennis ball would be thrown from the other side of the room...
Ever since I have this Aerocool iCurve case, my PC stopped doing it. I think because it's kinda massive, however when I still had my old plastic case from like 1998, my PC  instantly rebooted whenever it was hit... Well I suspect components have a shock limit to avoid damage, especially HDDs.
I kicked a pc once but it only froze because I actually knocked the Graphics card lose.......
CUUL! where can i get 1!! Hihi
Hm. Never happened to a computer of mine, but my DS's flashcart (AK2i) is a shade dodgy, and tends to freeze on gentle shocks.
And the contacts don't even move a millimetre, but it's apparently enough to freeze my game.
Fixable, but annoying.
Interesting, since I've never heard of the issue before.  Seems like I'm not the only one then, though most of you seem to be suggesting this for older systems.
I've never tried kicking my new system, it's rather expensive and i actually paid for this one XD
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