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Full Version: DotA players in here?
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So I searched this forum for DotA and it seems not that many people play; the last post on the DotA talk thread was in January lol. Anyone here still play it besides me? I am veteran 4+ years player :P
i used to

but i sucked >_>
Used to play, quite some time ago.  And even then, generally with random PuGs, so no organised high level play (tournaments or anything), so I was never really srsbsns about it.

Haven't touched WC3 (anything related) in like 1/2yr+ though.

But I thought a lot of DotA people would've moved off to one of these DotA based games (HoN, LoL) now.  Don't ask me if they're any good, I don't play either.
im playing again :D

I'm playing now too Ahaa

I played HoN for a while but it turned pretty sh!t gameplay- and balance-wise... I'm not even going to comment on LoL, it is just too much fail.
oh wee lost again ....


been a longtime
Digital-Archangel Wrote: [ -> ]I played HoN for a while but it turned pretty sh!t gameplay- and balance-wise...

Yeah, my brother (who does play HoN) always goes on about how Electrician is way broken and stuff.  He said something about a nuke that gets back all your mana and a disable like Rhasta's net, but better.
Well I used to play dota, then HoN.
but nothing beats L4D2 and MW2
if you play on battle.net, west server, just pm me, hecaitomix, under clan ifg. playing 2-3 games a day.
I am but now I have been resigned.
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