Endless Paradigm

Full Version: DotA players in here?
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Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]
Digital-Archangel Wrote: [ -> ]I played HoN for a while but it turned pretty sh!t gameplay- and balance-wise...

Yeah, my brother (who does play HoN) always goes on about how Electrician is way broken and stuff.  He said something about a nuke that gets back all your mana and a disable like Rhasta's net, but better.

Nah all the heroes that S2 made (i.e. That aren't copied from DotA) suck too much, and they ported Puck as a goddamn turtle so... G G S2

Tetris999 Wrote: [ -> ]* Tetris999 plays dota almost every otherday

my name is blackcawkshoota and I'm always on u.s. West; let's play sometime guys :D

Chaos-Archangel on USWest, though I never go on Battle.net because Garena is so much better in almost every way.
i get no lag on battlenet, like 1-10ms ping.

hey tetris, add me, i always play on dotacash hosted games
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