Prometheus was updated by liquidzigong at 2010-06-06 20:05 to version 0.3 :)
the changes are in Chinese, so maybe someone can translate it (google failed on me).
版本: 0.3
# 修改程序处理方式,并简化代码
[+] 加入NPDRM反检测欺骗,配合NP9660可以运行金色琴弦3等游戏
[+]修复EVA序等游戏在 psp-3000 5.03 GEN-C上不能正常运行问题
It escaped my attention but the Prometheus module from liquidzigong was updated to v. 0.5 :)
Changelog (crappy Google translation):
Quote:[2010-06-24 12:30]
Version: 0.5
# Fix may be in conflict with CFW 5.XX Prometheus problems
# Optimize application performance and size
[+] Add KHBBS_ENCRYPTE bulk CD Prometheus module, if you do not want to replace BBS1/2/3.DAT, you can use / KHBBS_ENCRYPTED / EBOOT.BIN and / KHBBS_ENCRYPTED / prometheus.prx. But the cost will be read the disk slows down.
bluewave Wrote: [ -> ]It escaped my attention but the Prometheus module from liquidzigong was updated to v. 0.5 :)
Changelog (crappy Google translation):
Quote:[2010-06-24 12:30]
Version: 0.5
# Fix may be in conflict with CFW 5.XX Prometheus problems
# Optimize application performance and size
[+] Add KHBBS_ENCRYPTE bulk CD Prometheus module, if you do not want to replace BBS1/2/3.DAT, you can use / KHBBS_ENCRYPTED / EBOOT.BIN and / KHBBS_ENCRYPTED / prometheus.prx. But the cost will be read the disk slows down.
Sweet. Thanks for the info. :)
Prometheus module by liquidzigong updated to 0.6 Beta.
It seems that liquidzigong lost the source code for Prometheus

So he writes it will take some time to create another update for the Prometheus CFW...
Quote:由于CFW源代码丢失,prometheus cfw可能要等到9月份找回源代码后才能更新。
If he accidentally deleted it he could've easily recovered the files if he realized it right away.
Sometimes it's better to scrap something and start over once you know exactly what to do. It bet it's going to be an improved version. If anything he learned a good lesson today. Unless it was due to hardware issues... Then the lesson is to always back up your shіt.
I guess it's on its way to a v1.0 release now.