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Full Version: Prometheus Module v0.3 final - Running 6.20 Games on CFW without plugin
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it works on 5.00M33, use God Eater libfont.prx

[Image: mat20100520120148.jpg]
someone upload God Eater libfont.prx please
Takeda Wrote: [ -> ]someone upload God Eater libfont.prx please

thanks a lot matchung. +rep
What about the new Prince of Persia ? The extra files required for running it on 5.00 M33 are located in PSP_GAME\USRDIR\psp\module\

I hex edited psmf.prx (deleted everthing up to ~SCE):

[Image: sters.png]

So now PRXdecrypter 2.4b (and EDecrypt 1.40) can decrypt it... libpsmfplayer.prx has the same md5 before and after decryption so I don't think it's encrypted. I used the Prometheus patch included in ISO Tool 1.32. Maybe it's a bug... Because I can't get the damn thing to work. Also, UMDGen without exporting any filelist.txt (maybe that's the problem).

Edit: I don't think that's it... double you tee eff. Is the scene release nuked ? ("GLoBAL")
DSpider Wrote: [ -> ]What about the new Prince of Persia ? The extra files required for running it on 5.00 M33 are located in PSP_GAME\USRDIR\psp\module\

I hex edited psmf.prx (deleted everthing up to ~SCE):


So now PRXdecrypter 2.4b (and EDecrypt 1.40) can decrypt it... libpsmfplayer.prx has the same md5 before and after decryption so I don't think it's encrypted. I used the Prometheus patch included in ISO Tool 1.32. Maybe it's a bug... Because I can't get the damn thing to work. Also, UMDGen without exporting any filelist.txt (maybe that's the problem).

Edit: I don't think that's it... double you tee eff. Is the scene release nuked ? ("GLoBAL")

Use the patch below to run it on 5.00M33-6.
Thanks to liquidzigong aka hrimfaxi for Prometheus v.02! and REVENGE aka Mercyful for the patch.
Distribute only with credits, thanks Adore
EDIT: it's a patch for PoP The Forgotten Sands EURO (ULES-01409)!
v0.2 - support Prince of Persia
Sweet. Prometheus 0.2. Which means ISO Tool will be updated again.
Thank you!
Prince of Persia works on 5.00 M33-6!
I used the patched image.

a) hex edit back sceUtilitO as sceUtility
b) hex edit back Kernel_LibrarZ as Kernel_Library

2. OPNSSMP.BIN decrypt it.

3. In PSP_GAME\USRDIR\psp\module\
a) libpsmfplayer.prx - hex edit back Kernel_LibrarZ as Kernel_Library
b) psmf.prx - deleted all up ~ PSP and decrypt it.

4. Returned all the files in the image using WQSG_UMD_R31 (thanks MatChung for compilation).

5. Added in the image a new loader v0.2 EBOOT.BIN and prometheus.prx by liquidzigong aka hrimfaxi.

Not need File List.
Everything works fine! Madwin
Can you be more specific on points 1a/b and 3a ?

I see ISO Tool 1.40 has a "Patch Kernel_LibrarZ" option in the patch subsection. But where can I find this "sceUtilitO" ?

Thank you.
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