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Full Version: Is this what the PSP2 rumors are all about?
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Sony filed a patent for something that looks like it may be the reason for all the rumors about a 'new' PSP, or a PSP2. It's supposed to be a handheld gaming device that is transformed into a phone by flipping the screen.

[Image: sony-ericsson-psp-phone.jpg]

The controls should be better than on any other mobile phone ever, because the device is held in different positions when calling and when playing and the buttons are made to work well as gaming controls. However, judging by the image, it the screen would not be as large as the PSP's, the device will be as big though and because of the added phone functionality is may be unlikely that the graphics quality will be any better than with the current PSP, meaning that this new mobile PSP/Phone will probably play existing UMD games.

If this is what the PSP2 is, it may be quite disappointing for PSP owners who were expecting an upgraded version with better graphics and more power and other functions, and having to compromise between a large screen and a small device to fit in your pocket, plus the fact that the buttons are no longer dedicated to gaming, would mean this new gadget is even less interesting for gaming than the original PSP. However, for those who like gaming on the road and who like to have everything in one, this may be the perfect handheld. I wonder how the battery life will be though, and if it will have a built in camera at all. Oh well, its only speculation for now...

- Source: [UnwiredView]
yeah i seen this on QJ, looks cool

Looks great ,im starting to save money,cause this baby will cost a lot.

I hope they make it.
meh.. i think it looks ugly! too busy lookin.. all ova the place! :P
I bet its going to cost ALOT!
n e 1 else notice that wen it asks u if u want to suspend the game 2 answer a call both options say yes!! Hahaha
Yeah, I noticed too.

how am I supposed to play games on the thing?
J'adore le paissons Wrote:n e 1 else notice that wen it asks u if u want to suspend the game 2 answer a call both options say yes!! Hahaha

good eye

Really no design..
If this comes free with a 2 year phone contract i do not mind to have one..
I saw this on QJ too, and it looks very ugly and uncomfortable.  Not to mention the controls look pretty bad compared to the PSP.  I'd rather keep my cell-phone and PSP separate if this is the end result of combining them.
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