I don't like it... And double you tee eff is that game on the screen?!? Looks like something out of a Happymeal!
it looks like a big brick that is going to cost lots of cash
uhuh i think its worthless actually, cause its still too big and fat (especially for a phone) and its not really that great for gaming either because it has to lens some functionality to being a phone. i'd rather get an iphone
Looks more bulky than the PSP for watching videos. Well, at least the screen size : thickness ratio says so.
the only thing that they can improve the psp with is either added functionality but in any case LESS screen size : device size ratio. like the DS lite. the main part of the PSP is the screen, so they should make the screen : device size ratio better imo. this thing looks like its gotten worse instead.
and where is the joystick?
number 13 , top right corner of the image
well, at least, it comes close
i guess they gave up on it?