Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Flower™ Dynamic CTF
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Wow - looks fantastic   Madwin

Does the 5.00 version feature sub folder support for photo/music ?  (and hopefully NOT video  :p)
I'll check this out.   Very, very nice man!   Thanks for sharing.  Hope to see more from you   Yay

EDIT:  By the way - I like the thread title.  It's funny but I decided to start lableing my animated ctf theme releases as "Dynamic" too.  It does indeed sound catchy.   :P  

And Screw SONY anyway, ZiNgA made animated themes a reality before they did   ;)    loooooooooool
that's a pretty brilliant theme, great work Madwin
Awesome theme! great work and skills! keep up the great work. i want to see more themes from you
This is a really nice theme great work, These are my thoughts on the Dynamics the cloud animation 5/5 , grass 3/5 , random animation on screen 4/5.
My girl likes this theme! Either way there has'nt been that many ctfs released for quite a while.
thank you guys for the positive feedback^^
i fix that problem with the 550 version as soon as possible i can
and i try to add subfolders for the 500 version so please be patient this can take some time Smokingg
xXShadowCobraXx Wrote: [ -> ]Either way there has'nt been that many ctfs released for quite a while.

so true :(
frankzito Wrote: [ -> ]thank you guys for the positive feedback^^
i fix that problem with the 550 version as soon as possible i can
and i try to add subfolders for the 500 version so please be patient this can take some time Smokingg

all you need to do is copy the 5.50 files to the 5.00 and build ctf...there is a thread here iwth what files are required.
I cannot download. Help me.
nakoroo Wrote: [ -> ]I cannot download. Help me.

LOL, that made me smile Yay

what seems to be the problem?
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