The thread title is a bit misleading.... I tried the DNS method posted earlier and it works like a charm^^
And about that law stuff, if law is on our side, GO GO GO wee all sue Sony!
im so setup wifi etc "dhcp no / DNS primary at 67.etc rest all disabled" joy.
SkyDX, Can you go into Network settings / settings and connection status and just list what you've got from Primary DNS all the way down to NAT Type?
Or anyone who got this fix working.
LOL @ you're Avatar sizzlephizzle, and welcome to site I and make an indroduction thread
What did you all disable?
The easiest way to get it working, set your internet connection to custom and set it up like usual.
PSN access will fail of course. Then go back to network settings and select custom again, click all the way through till you get to DNS settings without changing ANY of the other options. Set your secondary DNS to the IP and there you go^^
K. Set the DNS pri and secondary as the IP in the other post. didnt work. tried with and without proxy setup.
Trust me to have games that prompt for "game must be updated" every 5 mins.
the secondary DNS must be Primary and Secondary DNS cannot be the same
SkyDX Wrote: [ -> ]the secondary DNS must be Primary and Secondary DNS cannot be the same
Tried that too :( still can't get PSN to auth.
Man something must be very wrong on your side.... :(
What region is your PS3?
EDIT you have some kind of IM program? I could help you much better that way.
Region : europe
the only IM thing i use is google talk on my phone...(also PC is not near PS3)
As i say though - it's all setup right...just doesn't work for me.
what IM prog do you want me to use. as I'll have to install one anyway, you may as well choose. Yahoo/MSN/Skype erm...don't think I've got any other accounts