03/04/2010, 05:02 PM
03/04/2010, 05:12 PM
One word "WoW"! That will take up most of your time. Also make an Ally in Stormscale US or Horde (So i can gank you) :P
03/04/2010, 11:27 PM
I used to play Utopia many many years ago. A friend was playing it more recently.
This is a text-based web MMO By the way, and not something you can really sit down for hours playing (you do have to check regularly though).
Otherwise I guess you could try the many short-ish Flash based RPGs out there.
If you're really really bored, you can try those Flash-based dating sims (and see how long you last without quitting).
This is a text-based web MMO By the way, and not something you can really sit down for hours playing (you do have to check regularly though).
Otherwise I guess you could try the many short-ish Flash based RPGs out there.
If you're really really bored, you can try those Flash-based dating sims (and see how long you last without quitting).
04/04/2010, 06:43 PM
blargh, I need something I can sit down for hours and play. I have the attention span of a potato, and flash games just don't do it for me. D:
04/04/2010, 07:05 PM
FPS won't cut it I assume? There's like heaps of them... There's always some FPS/RPG part hybrids... From what I've seen, popular WRPGs are somewhat small in number.
04/04/2010, 10:07 PM
04/04/2010, 10:24 PM
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]FPS won't cut it I assume? There's like heaps of them... There's always some FPS/RPG part hybrids... From what I've seen, popular WRPGs are somewhat small in number.
eh, never been much of a fan of FPSs.One of my friends let me borrow the new AVP, and that entertained me for a while, until I played his copy of Just Cause 2 for a few hours lol. That game is awesome, but I'm too poor to buy it now, and my other friend is out of Dual Layer DVDs D:
blargh, I just need a better attention span.
@????: Never been much of a fan of Strategy RPGs; only one I ever really got into was Disgaea, but Fire Emblem looks pretty cool, I'll have to check it out.
04/04/2010, 10:42 PM
./xitherun.sh Wrote: [ -> ]@????: Never been much of a fan of Strategy RPGs; only one I ever really got into was Disgaea
Disgaea isn't a Strategy RPG, I mean where's strategy in it?
04/04/2010, 10:52 PM
Tactics, strategy, whatever lol.
Never been a fan of either.
Never been a fan of either.
04/04/2010, 10:54 PM
./xitherun.sh Wrote: [ -> ]Tactics, strategy, whatever lol.
Never been a fan of either.
Exactly, Disgaea has none of that, it's more like power up your characters and rush them into the battle, if you lose, level up more.
The only real strategy are Geo-puzzles.