Endless Paradigm

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I need a game to play too. well once I get back from my total of almost 3 weeks at different beaches. because in less than 2 days I leave for another one.

I call upon your infinite wisdom yet again.

I need a new game to play.

I want moar RPGs, this time preferably emulated. (SNES, GB, GBA, PSX, Genesis, potentially Dreamcast, etc.)

I'll have a DS flash cart in about two weeks, so that will be an option soon as well. And my PSP is dead right now, but I've got a new one on the way, that'll be here in a week or so.

I'd prefer something non-linear, where you have a choice of classes. And most likely turn-based, but whatever works.

I just beat Pokemon Silver for the first time (lol), started playing Fire Red, got bored, tried Emerald, got bored, played Dragon Warrior 1 for a bit, got bored, played Dragon Warrior Monsters for a bit, got bored.

I'll probably end up going back to Mother 3, or starting out on Parasite Eve.

I have no idea, Alundra?
I used to do a lot of retro emulation on PC, don't really do that anymore.  Only emulation I do these days are on the PSP for when I'm on the bus/car.

nurehtix Wrote: [ -> ]I want moar RPGs, this time preferably emulated. (SNES, GB, GBA,

Don't know... can't think of muhc right now...

Tales of Phantasia (SNES)
Fire Emblem (GBA)
Golden Sun (GBA)
Quote:I'd prefer something non-linear, where you have a choice of classes.

Dragon Quest III (SFC, GBC)
Dragon Quest VI (SFC, NDS)*
Dragon Quest IX (NDS)
Soma Bringer (NDS)***
Etrian Odyssey (NDS)
Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard (NDS)
Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City (NDS)*
7th Dragon (NDS)**
Dark Spire (NDS)
Final Fantasy (NES, PS1, GBA, PSP)
Final Fantasy III (NES, NDS)
Final Fantasy V (SFC, PS1, GBA)
Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light (NDS)*
Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen (SNES, PS1)
Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber (N64)
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (SFC, PS1)
Tactics Ogre: Knights of Lodis (GBA)

* Not out in English... YET
** Japan only
*** Japan only but English patch exists for it

You see here's the problem. There's barely any jRPG where you choose your own class and create your own generics. Hell, you would think there would be plenty considering DQIII's and FFI's large successes. I'm sure I've missed plenty though.

Quote:played Dragon Warrior 1 for a bit, got bored

The first DQ does that. Its really only for gaming masochists >_>
Goshi Wrote: [ -> ]You see here's the problem. There's barely any jRPG where you choose your own class and create your own generics.

Seiken Densetsu 3 (known as Secret of Mana 2 in the west?) on SNES is one of the only ones I can think of where you can choose attribute placement freely and change classes like in western RPGs.

But then again, I hardly play much games, so...
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]
Goshi Wrote: [ -> ]You see here's the problem. There's barely any jRPG where you choose your own class and create your own generics.

Seiken Densetsu 3 (known as Secret of Mana 2 in the west?) on SNES is one of the only ones I can think of where you can choose attribute placement and change classes freely like in western RPGs.

Man, to think I would forget my favorite game in the Mana series... Sadist
Well what I was probably going to suggest has already been suggested.
Thanks for the suggestions Goshi. :D

I started and finished LucasArts' 'The Dig' the other day, and it was excellent. Anyone who like LucasArts' old adventure games definitely should play this game.
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