Endless Paradigm

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my dreams are to weird and abstract these days, and when i wake up i don't remember them properly, when i was a kid i used to have great dreams about being a super hero and flying etc
Grey Ghost Wrote:my dreams are to weird and abstract these days, and when i wake up i don't remember them properly, when i was a kid i used to have great dreams about being a super hero and flying etc

I think a whole lot of you are miss-understanding the whole thing.

By "dreams", he's referring to something like "wishes" or "aspirations" rather than your dreams at night when you're asleep.
Dreams of mine... Hmm...
1. Create Cartoons on different scales of entertainment. Ranging from comedy to pornographic. No kid stuff.
2. Become a famous guitarist.
3. Have sex with Mariah Carey...

Not so much the last one anymore though...AhhyesAhhyesAhhyes
Method Wrote:When I was young I wanted to be a snowman.

I don't think I should laugh at this but... (giggles)

I mean... why a snowman?.... hmm..
Heartless141 Wrote:lol @ asphericc.
sometimes i do want to be a girl,(a girl gamer, anime lover with all of my personality would be a perfect girl in my eye) but when i think about pregnancy and periods.

No wonder you were so keen on dressing in the girl's uniform last year, and hell you ended up doing it, complete with a pony tail.

I didn't really have many dreams when I was young, I guess what I had what I wanted already and was content with life as is. I always wanted a pokemon irl, I guess? >_>
Joxaze Wrote:I always wanted a pokemon irl, I guess? >_>

Which one....
yeah well everyone has their own dirty little weird hobby...
spoon i must have tons of em.
Heartless141 Wrote:yeah well everyone has their own dirty little weird hobby...
spoon i must have tons of em.

I probably have alot too, but not as many as you.
hey >_> i only have two fetishes (girl-can-deal-damages and slightly guro) and uhh... act girly... as a hobby.

everything else is completely a normal man's behavior.
I seriously wish I had wings....then I'd be actually happy Ahaa
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