Endless Paradigm

Full Version: EtherPad Stories [WIP: SZS Ch.1]
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* ProperBritish pulls a dramatic face.
So guys, wee have a few possible ideas here:

Mahou Shoujo Lolita Sparker 2
SenseixLunar: Sopping Wet

So either Magical Girl, Erotic or a story about Peanut Butter..
So who start?
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]SenseixLunar: Sopping Wet

Didn't he dump you for Sky?
Frost covered the windows in the dark alley, during the late night.  Light trickled in from behind a cloud, but the place was silent.  The air was still.

Since nothing interesting obviously happens in such a lifeless place, let's move on.

About 10km away from that stupid alley, Assassinator was partying hard at some random place.  Kind of a weird place to find such a guy, as one would expect him to be incredibly familiar with boring dark alleyways, but apparently not so.  Anyway, he was obviously so drunk that he probably couldn't kill a fly (even though flies aren't actually the easiest things to kill) so well, he's not really living up to his name there.

The next night however, was a different story...

The dark alley remained silent and cold.  No light shone through this time.  However, the air was not quite still as usual.  It was alive.

A scream!


Then silence.

As if suddenly awoken from a deep slumber, clouds scuttled away, leaving the moon behind, which shone brightly down into the alley.  Assassinator looked up at the moon, then down at the now lifeless body.  Blood splattered from victim's neck all over her face and even her cat-ears.

"Hahahaha" laughed Assassinator in a monotonous mechanical laugh, then the night fell silent again.  Slowly, the clouds returned and so did darkness to the alley.
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]SenseixLunar: Sopping Wet

Didn't he dump you for Sky?

Of course he did :P

@ Zinga - haha that's pretty sweet. If someone else is gonna write more too, then I'll start up an Etherpad.

Edit: Etherpads shutting down ;_;

Try beWeeVee? http://www.beweevee.com/Notepad/Incrediw...qoNQUnZzWw
^ Silverlight requirement?
Why not Google wave, or just copy pasta?
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]^ Silverlight requirement?
Why not Google wave, or just copy pasta?

Google wave

* S7* looks for invite... is it public yet? xD

wee could just copy pasta I guess.
lol i like to contribute also, ;P
Wee can use http://ietherpad.com/ now.

Anyone fancy writing MSLS Vol.2, Zinga's Story or something else?
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