Endless Paradigm

Full Version: EtherPad Stories [WIP: SZS Ch.1]
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ProperBritish Wrote:i request


One day a boy entered the Music room and asked to join the Light Music club.

Because of the consequences of a male joining - the story has come to...

Senseito7 Wrote:
ProperBritish Wrote:i request


One day a boy entered the Music room and asked to join the Light Music club.

Because of the consequences of a male joining - the story has come to...


Was that it?! Plzno
ProperBritish Wrote:
Senseito7 Wrote:
ProperBritish Wrote:i request


One day a boy entered the Music room and asked to join the Light Music club.

Because of the consequences of a male joining - the story has come to...


Was that it?! Plzno

I dunno that was pretty good.
i enjoyed that. you should write a book, sensei.
cheers. I was going for that "to the point" way of story telling.

maybe I should make a compilation of "what ifs".
Senseito7 Wrote:cheers. I was going for that "to the point" way of story telling.

maybe I should make a compilation of "what ifs".

I have a good story.

SenseixLunar: Sopping Wet
So who's gonna start one?
Psyko12 Wrote:I RUINED IT D:

I lol'd.

I suppose that's one way of ending it. xD
Senseito7 Wrote:
Psyko12 Wrote:I RUINED IT D:

I lol'd.

I suppose that's one way of ending it. xD

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5
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