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Heartless141 Wrote:i like to look at zombie
whether I'm fudgeed up or not, :P i don't count  every zombie i slaughter.
My step brothers afraid of them >.>

[Image: 1052q6s.jpg]
hentai about a cute zombie ^^ no guro.
I can only feel sympathy for anyone who gets desensitized from other things because of the internet.. or because of anything else for that matter. It can't do anyone any good for "feelings" to work below what could be considered somewhat normal.

Personally, I think its one of the most horrid aspects of the internet - anyone is vulnerable to unnecessary psychological abuse that they could never admit to.. because of the state of todays society.

Desensitization is a side-effect of taking the Internet.
Senseito7 Wrote:I can only feel sympathy for anyone who gets desensitized from other things because of the internet.. or because of anything else for that matter. It can't do anyone any good for "feelings" to work below what could be considered somewhat normal.

Personally, I think its one of the most horrid aspects of the internet - anyone is vulnerable to unnecessary psychological abuse that they could never admit to.. because of the state of todays society.

Desensitization is a side-effect of taking the Internet.

Heh, believe it or not, I've heard worse stuff at home than on the net, and at a much younger age.

And either way, imo is probably better than being completely ignorant, because you're probably going to get hit one day, really hard.  Like it's better to tell your daughter about periods and whatnot beforehand, instead of letting it happen without knowing.
Assassinator Wrote:And either way, imo is probably better than being completely ignorant, because you're probably going to get hit one day, really hard.  Like it's better to tell your daughter about periods and whatnot beforehand, instead of letting it happen without knowing.

Isn't that just being reasonable?

I agree about being completely ignorant is foolish - but anyone only really needs to go as far as awareness.

Something like violent pornography isn't something you "let anyone know" about.... and that goes for anything considered disturbing on the internet.
I thought there was someone missing http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...#pid288007
that's not guro, just plain beheading =3=
Heartless141 Wrote:that's not guro, just plain beheading =3=

I think you're missing the point..
so... when's SOTW 15 starting?
It's not rape if they're already dead.

But anyways....I like them (the sigs) but I get really frustrated when the SOTW is dominated by Anime sigs :S every week. The same, no matter what theme it is. Bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh humbug.

Try diversity guys!! It's the only way you'll get better!!!
at other things....
Method Wrote:Try diversity guys!! It's the only way you'll get better!!!

Beat them then :P

Closing this thread. Breaking open the whip for Lunar.
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