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Senseito7 Wrote:Guro? I didn't know blood involvement strictly made it Guro [by "it" I mean I'm guessing you imply "Guro" is explicit material]

Look, I'm not an expert on that kind of stuff.  But I would imagine it could be classified as soft guro?

Heartless141 Wrote:
Senseito7 Wrote:does someone have a blood fetish?
yes i do.
to a certain extend.

Only blood, or more....
Assassinator Wrote:
Senseito7 Wrote:Guro? I didn't know blood involvement strictly made it Guro [by "it" I mean I'm guessing you imply "Guro" is explicit material]

Look, I'm not an expert on that kind of stuff.  But I would imagine it could be classified as soft guro?

Dunno. Might have to do some moderate research on it later v_v [Closest thing on Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ero_guro]
DANGER! DANGER! the square backet breaks link.

... tired... and voted... for somebody :/
Assassinator Wrote:
Senseito7 Wrote:Guro? I didn't know blood involvement strictly made it Guro [by "it" I mean I'm guessing you imply "Guro" is explicit material]

Look, I'm not an expert on that kind of stuff.  But I would imagine it could be classified as soft guro?

guro is blood, scars , injuries in general.

want something worse? look for scat.
Assassinator Wrote:
Heartless141 Wrote:
Senseito7 Wrote:does someone have a blood fetish?
yes i do.
to a certain extend.

Only blood, or more....

minor blood, scar. I'm no where as extreme as cutting open a stomach or a cut on the forehead.

>_> may be I'm a masochist, but i like it when i accidentally got myself some injuries, it's like a proof that I'm still alive.

but that's a different story when someone else injures me. doesn't feels good, at all.

woot, hijacked the topic! :D
Heartless141 Wrote:
Assassinator Wrote:
Senseito7 Wrote:Guro? I didn't know blood involvement strictly made it Guro [by "it" I mean I'm guessing you imply "Guro" is explicit material]

Look, I'm not an expert on that kind of stuff.  But I would imagine it could be classified as soft guro?

guro is blood, scars , injuries in general.

want something worse? look for scat.

I think most of us know what wee're in for there. >_>

Heartless141 Wrote:
Assassinator Wrote:
Heartless141 Wrote:
Senseito7 Wrote:does someone have a blood fetish?
yes i do.
to a certain extend.

Only blood, or more....

minor blood, scar. I'm no where as extreme as cutting open a stomach or a cut on the forehead.

>_> may be I'm a masochist, but i like it when i accidentally got myself some injuries, it's like a proof that I'm still alive.

but that's a different story when someone else injures me. doesn't feels good, at all.

woot, hijacked the topic! :D

Sort of your own topic. lulz.

I see where you're coming from though.

Otherwise.. some blood can be quite saucy. [Real people look too messy though]
i suppose. i don't pay any attention to real peeps in the first place >_>
Heartless141 Wrote:
Assassinator Wrote:
Senseito7 Wrote:Guro? I didn't know blood involvement strictly made it Guro [by "it" I mean I'm guessing you imply "Guro" is explicit material]

Look, I'm not an expert on that kind of stuff.  But I would imagine it could be classified as soft guro?

guro is blood, scars , injuries in general.

want something worse? look for scat.

Actually, nah, guro is worse than scat.  If you've seen the stuff I've seen that is.  Much worse.
meh i see cutting open somebody is no where near bad as
Spoiler for "you gonna ask for it":
shit in someone's mouth, swallow it, puke onto the floor and someone else lick it like no tomorrow, smear it on the body and start having seck with alot of licking action
Heartless141 Wrote:meh i see cutting open somebody is no where near bad as
Spoiler for "you gonna ask for it":
shit in someone's mouth, swallow it, puke onto the floor and someone else lick it like no tomorrow, smear it on the body and start having seck with alot of licking action

hahaha, crazy humanz.
just make sure you don't actually think and imagine it. i have a good and fast imagination and the first time i heard about it, i puked.
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