In future Touch Devices you won't touch the screen, you will only think and a girl inside will touch the area^^
i would also like to inform you all it is waifu's birthday today (15th)
happy birthday!!!
ProperBritish Wrote:i would also like to inform you all it is waifu's birthday today (15th)
happy birthday!!!
Happy b day!
(it's also my step-brothers b-day today to! ^^ the 14th...
Proper, that's gold, man.
and sky, stop making me depress with your decorating skills goddamnit
Heartless141 Wrote:Proper, that's gold, man.
and sky, stop making me depress with your decorating skills goddamnit
thanks man ;D
and yeah sky, that is good stuffs

SkyDX Wrote:In future Touch Devices you won't touch the screen, you will only think and a girl inside will touch the area^^
Ah for a sec i thought you meant your penis.
But girl touching your device with brain waves is good. At least I think that's wat you said.