Endless Paradigm

Full Version: New SOTW #12 - Touch
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Yes I meant that Ahhyes
Nice work Proper!!! Inluv and thanks^^
Final Day of entries.

Well done everyone so far for entering.
goddamn it. mine is going to be here soon as soon as i can find the font i wanted, and think of something creative to add into it.

been doing labour work all day, wee are moving soon.
[Image: Touch-1.png]


well looks like this is it pretty much it guys....... good luck to everyone Gongxi
nice one Hearty-kun. Madwin
Heartless141 Wrote:[Image: Touch-1.png]

I like that pic... can I haz?Blingeye
aspheric Wrote:
Heartless141 Wrote:[Image: Touch-1.png]

I like that pic... can I haz?Blingeye

just a note aspheric

in your sig it is 'to' not 'too'

i am the g-ninja
ProperBritish Wrote:
aspheric Wrote:
Heartless141 Wrote:[Image: Touch-1.png]

I like that pic... can I haz?Blingeye

just a note aspheric

in your sig it is 'to' not 'too'

i am the g-ninja


thanks pb! ^^ didn't notice that...


[edit again]

if this is within terms enter it... if not, then don't... since I'm not really sure...Ahhyes
[Image: okssss.png]


aspheric Wrote:
Heartless141 Wrote:[Image: Touch-1.png]

I like that pic... can I haz?Blingeye

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5
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