Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Test Your Anti
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Paste that into a new TXT file and save it. If you anti doesn't pick it up, then it's spoon. :P

ESET perma-banned it instantly.

AVG finds it...
Joomla12 Wrote:ESET perma-banned it instantly.

Using ESET as well so yeah, it was instantly eXx1l3d.
File access denied

Bit defender.
no antivirus - linux Hihi
trademark91 Wrote:no antivirus - linux Hihi
couldnt be arsed Hiding_something
You two make me laugh...Tony is such a fan boy it's not even funny. Yay
Comodo Internet Security Free gives me an Unclassified Malware warning and locks the file. What is this thing anyway?
I can create a txt file, open it read it and edit it all day long :)

 on my hackintosh 
It's just a test virus. It virtually does nothing but sets off your anti-virus.

@ Schmilk: Fan boy.
Pages: 1 2 3 4
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