Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Got to Love CSpot -.-
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^That is so funny.
And still, no-one seems to point out that playing music without a memory stick doesn't work too well.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:^That is so funny.
And still, no-one seems to point out that playing music without a memory stick doesn't work too well.

(let's assume he did make this homebrew)
I wonder how that person would the homebrew he run it without a memory stick in the first place.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:^That is so funny.

And eye-opening to the existence of Morons... EP is taking away what I knew... -.-
lol, and i remember magicalfairy trolling in cspot for nonsense questions, lol, i missed him/her so much, lol
I do nothing but troll there...It pisses so many people off. Woo
I try to troll at PSP-hacks but I never really get the opportunity to.
Joomla12 Wrote:I do nothing but troll there...It pisses so many people off. Woo

Really? I haven't noticed. But whatever that forum is dieing anyway.
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