Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Got to Love CSpot -.-
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Mr. Shizzy Wrote:As a matter of fact, I only visit the site, because some of the members are cool, and it is not their fault the MODS are a bunch of egotistical maniacs...

Funny, that sounds an awful lot like another PSP forum I used to visit.
I'm the non-douchey mod I guess. I don't even know why I'm one.
./xitherun.sh Wrote:EP is the only forum on the interwebs that is worth my time.
All my respect for CS plummeted when they posted ZB's fake PSP 4000 news and helped spread it.
Yea.. that site is stupid... Joomla might remember how much I spammed it before leaving.. LOL
Senseito7 Wrote:
Mr. Shizzy Wrote:As a matter of fact, I only visit the site, because some of the members are cool, and it is not their fault the MODS are a bunch of egotistical maniacs...

Funny, that sounds an awful lot like another PSP forum I used to visit.

Mr. Shizzy Wrote:
Senseito7 Wrote:
Mr. Shizzy Wrote:As a matter of fact, I only visit the site, because some of the members are cool, and it is not their fault the MODS are a bunch of egotistical maniacs...

Funny, that sounds an awful lot like another PSP forum I used to visit.


It might be PSP-hacks, I've seen my Onii-chan there before.
Oh by the way, it hasn't really gotten much better but I suppose the mods aren't to stuck up in their own powers as they were before.
Assassinator Wrote:Heh, makes me think of neuron2, a mod at doom9 who tries to get you if your post even shows a very slight relation to piracy.

Like you can't even talk about MP4s or MKVs in doom9, since he auto assumes you downloaded your MP4/MKV, and screws you over for it.
You'll love this thread I stumbled across: http://www.consolespot.net/forums/pc-sof...erter.html
feinicks Wrote:Yea.. that site is stupid... Joomla might remember how much I spammed it before leaving.. LOL

I still have the infraction that you gave me for spamming.

@ ZB: Facepalm I remember that one.
Joomla12 Wrote:I still have the infraction that you gave me for spamming.

Haha... it was fun!
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