Endless Paradigm

Full Version: What 'Snapped' you?
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I know a vast majority of the users of EP are immense fans of anime and manga...

but what 'snapped' you?

by this, i mean... what turned you from watching the odd little bit or seeing it around... to watching it when the seasons come out, keeping up with the news... and inevitably picking up a very very basic knowledge of japanese from it (unless you study it already).

i know i used to watch the odd anime when i was really young... the stuff that got super popular and sent to english countries... dubbed. now i watch japanese subbed stuff on a weekly basis and read some manga, but not nearly as religiously as anime.

and the reason for this transition?

Spoiler for Well...:

[Image: k-on-moe-450x339.jpg]
(i am very new to all this, in comparison, as quite a few of you know)

Now i ask you the same question ;D
I'm not really into manga or anime. Knock-knock

I do however enjoy the artwork and some shows. I'll even read a manga or two when I have the time. I just never really got into it as much as most people here have.
I only have a few favorites, mainly GITS, FMA, and Battle Angel Alita.  Don't care for much else.
Don't really care for anime, manga etc at all really but do occasionally watch them. A few of my friends are into them alright though...
I watched Anime even before I knew what it was in German TV but what really snapped me was when I got DSL in 2006 and downloaded Shakugan no Shana. Good old times^^
Watching Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien

At the time, id never seen something so well animated, and the story just took me
FMA for me. :3~
It's been so long I can't even remember unless you do count the ones I watched in childhood I actually liked.
Elfen Lied.

G Gundam.
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