Endless Paradigm

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imma move out of this country after the exams finish.
I'll never see the teachers' faces again =/ the one i liked, the one i hated. all of em.
still have my friends on the internet so it's ok. =/ but normally i should be feeling some sort of melancholy here, should i?


anyway. -.- only two exams left, then i gonna concentrate on my japanese and find a job.
in the mean time.
[Image: Babies.png]
indeed its an important transition in your lifetime, Heartless. Well just make the most of your last times there in however way, after all, that's all you can do ^_^

what country are you in?
Well, congrats!

Wait, moving to Japan?  You have family there, or are you just going to go alone?  Going alone's not going to be easy... housing, everyday expenses, you'll have to work up all that money yourself, and the language barrier doesn't help...

Sensei Wrote:what country are you in?

New Zealand.
I'm from vietnam, exchange student in NZ, going to japan next year by myself :p just like i did when i come to NZ by myself when i was 14.
Heartless141 Wrote:just like i did when i come to NZ by myself when i was 14.

With or without support from your parents?   That's pretty hardcore either way.

Dammit, I'm 20, and I haven't even worked for a single hour yet, my parents are sort of loaded.   That may prove to be a bad thing when the day comes when I'll have to move out... I have 0 experience... Fuck, I'm going to get myself a job this holidays.
yeah, of course they pay for my stuffs, but now that i think about it, it's quite scary. i didn't know much english back then. but somehow i cooped with everything/everyone else pretty well :P
Heartless141 Wrote:yeah, of course they pay for my stuffs,

Your parents sort of loaded then?  Are they going to pay for Japan?

Heartless141 Wrote:i didn't know much english back then. but somehow i cooped with everything/everyone else pretty well :P

You generally learn languages pretty quick when you're using it every day.  So yeah, when you go to Japan, you'll pick up Japanese much quicker than now.
well, good luck!
I'm not gonna say they are loaded. I've never ever gotten any pocket money till i come to NZ, and my budget here is quite short too. usually i cut everything else, only pay for internet and bla bla bla, the rest is on games. rofl.
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