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Full Version: A way to get M33/GEN on a 3.93 slim without Pandora?
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Hey guys,
it's been a long time since I did anything without Pandora so I need a little advice here.
A friend just called me, he wanted to put a CFW on his girlfriends PSP but when he plugged his Pandora in, the PSP powers on with a black screen, the memorystick light blinks a bit and then it's stuck there.

He said it's a PSP-2004 Slim with OFW 3.93. He doesn't think that his Pandora is faulty as it worked before.

Is there any way to get this Slim to full CFW goddess? Google always leads me to Pandora guides which isn't exactly helpful...

update your pandorastick with this, and then install 550gen with the new pandora! Madwin
I guess you can try Hellcat's Recovery Flasher to directly flash 5.00m33, or that GEN updater thing (forgot the name) to direct flash 5.50GEN.  Both will completely bypass the need for Pandora.  You have to upgrade to 5.03 and use ChickHEN to launch them.

Pandora is generally the safest bet though.

ChickHEN - http://dl.qj.net/ChickHEN-Mod-PSP-Homebr.../catid/151
Hellcats - http://dl.qj.net/Recovery-Flasher-v1.60-.../catid/114
GEN Updater - http://dl.qj.net/Custom-Firmware-5.50GEN.../catid/163
Y0u may also need the 5.00/5.50 official PBPs, find them yourself.

EDIT: Wait, you may have that motherboard... then you better not try flashing anything.
Thanks for the help guys, I'll pass it to him.
why don't you just download the 5.00m33 eboot update?
Or why not update to 5.03, fire up ChickHEN and run the 5.50 GEN-D installer.

There done.
I don't know about this...

It sounds like he has a TA-088v3 motherboard.  And I don't think you are supposed to flash those things.  I would proceed with caution..
best bet is to update to 5.03 then use chickhen, then run PSPident  or hellcat recovery flasher and it will say what version mobo is in there and you will know wether or not you can run a full firmware..

probably if pandora turns the psp on and only a black screen, then it can't be pandora-d
i believed you have TA-088v3 motherboard, update to 5.03 then use chickhen, then run homebrew PSPident so will know what board is in your PSP system.

tutorials here:
catch up chickhen: http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...?tid=18259
settings for chickhen: http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...?tid=18260
Yeah, that.  If pandora gets a black screen, it's probably the unhackable motherboard.

In which case your best bet would be to install ChickHEN and run that version of GEN for HEN on it.
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