Endless Paradigm

Full Version: A way to get M33/GEN on a 3.93 slim without Pandora?
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can't be a ta-088v3 because he got OFW 3.93
Quote:For the 2000 series it's a different story. Some can be modded, others can not. If your slim psp came with firmware 4.01 or higher, 99% you have a TA-088v3 motherboard. So that sucks! No CFW for you.

find all info here:

as i posted before i should try to make a 550gen pandora with this link:
once you made a new pandora memstick try and install 550gen with it,..

note but maybe you are the 1% that has a OFW391 with a ta-088v3,. :(
This is what you could do is use ChickHen homebrew enabler but you need to update to 5.03 OFW then leave the 5.00 PBP in the Root of your memory stick and then you can use ( Hellcats Recovery Flasher ) to get you to 5.00 m33-6 and from there if you want you can update to 5.50 Gen.  Go on youtube to see how to use ChickHen ok!!
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