Endless Paradigm

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Normally, I don't like to give religious fundamentalists any press, but I just had

to share this little tidbit from one of my favorite nutcases,Recently I found out

that I might be a false prophet.

I know! I was as surprised as anyone to hear it. I'll tell you all about it in a

moment, but first promise me that you will resist the urge to leave a comment

reassuring me that I'm not a false prophet. I don't need reassurance.  I AM a false


I know many of you are not particularly religious and are wondering what I'm

talking about. You're not exactly sure what a false prophet is, but you've probably

picked up on the idea that being one is not a good thing.
This wasn't some dumb answer either
I would remind you I am the False Prophet . Following me and your  superficial form of religion will result in the lake of fire!Many of you do not believe in prophets, true or otherwise, so I expect you would simply laugh this off and go about your business.
That doesn't answer my question..so..ASL?
lol What  people say on chats to learn who you are and where you live so they can come to your house with a chainsaw and kill you.

bobiscool:hey hi hey lolololoollll
iamsohot:kool wats ur name
iamsohot:no ur reel name
bobiscool:bobby jimson
iamsohot:wana kis
iamsohot:lol!!!1111 i got to go c u bye
iamsohot:wat is ur adres
bobiscool:464 cinnamon way
iamsohot:k bye

The next day Bobby's parents went to his room to see how he was doing,and found his head chopped off.Poor Bobby.
I am the Human incarnation of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Bow to my 8 I-Rather-You-Didn'ts!
OK if is the age sex location. which is followed by a block from your buddylist
"what up!!!! ASL?"I could never get to grips with ASL so I had to drop it.
I eated Pizza.
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