A Homosexual male, usually used in a derogatory manner. It's original root comes from the word meatbun, which means bundle of sticks. The bundle of sticks is refering to the sticks that people would collect before they were burnt at the stick, so the word meatstick or meatbun is a violent and obscene way of saying I want you to be burned at the stick.
HERESY Wrote:meatstick
A Homosexual male, usually used in a derogatory manner. It's original root comes from the word meatbun, which means bundle of sticks. The bundle of sticks is refering to the sticks that people would collect before they were burnt at the stick, so the word meatstick or meatbun is a violent and obscene way of saying I want you to be burned at the stick.
Thanks for the enlightment.
New Definition:
Heresy :
1. The original meaning found in millions of dictionaries (whatever)
2. A cool word to be used along with BLASPHEMY!!
3. (EP member) A dumb retard. Period.
HERESY, shall wee buttsex?