Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Recommend me a router!
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I've had enough of unreliable routers that crash every few hours or get hot enough to cook an egg. This'll be router number 3. Number 1 lasted a few days, router 2 has been fine up until a few days ago when it started getting very hot and crashing. I hope router 3 will be the last.

So EP. Can anyone recommend me a stable, good value Ethernet or WiFi ADSL modem router that'll last me a good few years. ADSL2+ compatibility is a plus. No BT Voyagers.

I've had to look for a router for the office and there aren't any particularly good ones, but NETGEAR seem to have a good rep as well as older LINKSYS models.

I don't recommend D-Link or Belkin.
ours is a linksys. i couldnt recommend it for more than 3 months though, weve only had it for that long
d-link routers are very good and affordable they do wireless N-lite now aswell
Anythign that runs dd-wrt custom firmware is the way to go!  Preferably a Linksys WRT54g, they are cheap, readily available, and can do alot of things..i for example have 3 of them in my house. One connected to the router, one in the family room as a wirelessbridge, and one in my brother in laws room as a wireless bridge so that original xbox's can connect to the network and stream videos and music from my computer :)

i have this
[Image: M,131.png]

it looks schmexy & i didnt care much :D
(yeah whatever . @ me)

been running it for days at a time with inadequate ventilation..

no problems so far
boogschd Wrote:i have this
[Image: M,131.png]

it looks schmexy so i didnt care much :D
(yeah whatever . @ me)

it does look schmexy, ill give you that
SchmilK Wrote:Anythign that runs dd-wrt custom firmware is the way to go!  Preferably a Linksys WRT54g,

That router does win.

Wheres a good place to get it online, SchmilK?
i got my last one from walmart for $35...I guess it depends on what country you are in :(  but pretty much any stoore wthat sells computers has those.  http://www.froogle.com or http://www.pricewatch.com may have some good results.
i use a WAG354G V.2 by Linksys. its not very good. Steer clear.

ive seen the newer Linksys model and they look nice, id recommend the Linksys and NetGear as well. My dad uses a NetGear, and its better than the Linksys.
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