Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Recommend me a router!
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Got myself a Linksys after my D-Link and NETGEAR broke.
Works great.
I've owned a netgear and a d-link, the netgears wee had both died in under a year and the d-link has lasted 2 year now i think, with very bad circulation
Linksys seems to be a popular choice. I'll see if I can muster enough money (they seem the most expensive brand of consumer router.) I have a D-Link wireless router that I use as a bridge. That is left on 24 hours a day and hasn;t been turned off for weeks now. I've had no problems with that at all. D-Link may be the way to go if I can't afford a Linksys.
I've had a $40 netgear for well over a year now, never turn it off
PSPkiller Wrote:Linksys seems to be a popular choice.

iss powered by cisco! Woo
[Image: 25303_l.jpg]

i also have router problem before it doesnot connect, lot of configuration to do and when it is connected it fails all the time.

unti i found ASUS wl-520gu i recommend you this router I'm using it for a year and never fails me, the best thing i'd like most is that there is a EASY SET UP BUTTON at the back just press it and follow instruction and your done.
id say definitely go with the linksys. its worth the extra money to get one that doesn't break. (at least ive never seen one break)
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