PMPlayer Advance FW3xx.3.0.5 (20090709)
by Cooleyes
PMPlayer Advance(PPA) is a media player for PSP.
Changelog v3.0.5 (20090709):
- added CFW 5.50GEN-B, PSP1000 Supported
- fixed MP4 (MKV) file delete function
Supported File Format:
PMP Format V2 ( *.pmp ):
o Video:
AVC, main profile, level 2.1, ≤480*272
MPEG-4 Part2, ≤480*272
o Audio:
MP4 Format ( *.mp4 ):
o Video:
AVC, baseline profile, level 1.3, ≤480*272
AVC, main profile, level 2.1 or 3.0, ≤720*480
MPEG-4 Part2, ≤480*272
o Audio:
MKV Format ( *.mkv ):
o Video:
AVC, baseline profile, level 1.3, ≤480*272
AVC, main profile, level 2.1 or 3.0, ≤720*480
o Audio:
For more info. go to the
Documentation page
Download PMPlayer Advance (PPA) [07-09-09] [Full Version]
Cool, thanks for the news :)
Does it plays .avi and .rmvb files?
brady4mvp Wrote:Does it plays .avi and .rmvb files?
No.... and in all likeliness never will.
Senseito URΩBΩROS Wrote:brady4mvp Wrote:Does it plays .avi and .rmvb files?
No.... and in all likeliness never will.
Is there any homebrew app that does that?

brady4mvp Wrote:Senseito URΩBΩROS Wrote:brady4mvp Wrote:Does it plays .avi and .rmvb files?
No.... and in all likeliness never will.
Is there any homebrew app that does that? 
PSPlayerMT is really the best app for that.
Despite that however, most AVIs or RMVB files probably won't play. There's a lot involved, including complexity of decoding the file and downscaling it to a small screen and doing all this on the PSP's limited hardware.
PMPlayer AdVanCe does have some nice features over the XMB player, but for most people, the XMB player should be suffice.
Unfortunately for PPA, it's handling of fastforward/rewind for MP4s and MKVs is a little dodgy, especially for longer videos, so I too, have decided to use the XMB player (though I still keep PPA and use it on occasion). Muxing PMPs is kinda annoying too.
hmm i have not successfully played mkv files in PMPlayer advance, might resolution of the video affects it?
krystabegnalie Wrote:hmm i have not successfully played mkv files in PMPlayer advance, might resolution of the video affects it?
To be honest, I dunno why he really bothered with MKV. You can't just put in any MKV. It's basically got to be the same as an MP4, except in an MKV container.
If you didn't understand that, convert an MP4 for the PSP, then load it into MKVMergeGUI and make an MKV.
That should work on PPA. (though, as you probably noticed, there's really no point in this extra step)
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:krystabegnalie Wrote:hmm i have not successfully played mkv files in PMPlayer advance, might resolution of the video affects it?
To be honest, I dunno why he really bothered with MKV. You can't just put in any MKV. It's basically got to be the same as an MP4, except in an MKV container.
If you didn't understand that, convert an MP4 for the PSP, then load it into MKVMergeGUI and make an MKV. That should work on PPA. (though, as you probably noticed, there's really no point in this extra step)
meh i still sticking converting vids with mp4-avc than reconverting it to mkv-avc, lol, but anyway that some cool stuff if the homebrew can really handle mkv containers without resolution restriction and without reconverting vids that i have downloaded over the net, but meh that can only be a dream, im still too lazy converting 30 mins of anime episodes to mp4-avc