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Full Version: [Released] Custom Firmware 5.50 MHU
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CFW 5.50 MHU
by Xenogears and Becus25.

It is a Custom Firmware for version 5.50

OFW 5.50

* [Information Board] has been added
* Memory Stick improvements
 o Sub-folder support has been added for music, videos, and photos
 o Space required to download a file from PlayStation Store to your Memory Stick has been reduced significantly. 
* [Internet Search] for games directly from the XMB has been added
* Trend Micro trial has been added for the Web Browser.
 o Trend Micro Web Security
 o Trend Micro Kids’ Safety 
* Exploit via libTIFF bug patched 

[Image: snap001.png]

Watch the video:

Source: YouTube

- PSP1000 or PSP2000 with TA-088v2 and below and TA-090v1 only (PSP2000 with TA-88v3 & all PSP3000 are not supported)
- atleast CFW 3.52 m33-4
- 5.50MHU
- OFW 550.PBP

How to use:
- Copy the UPDATE folder to ms0:/PSP/GAME/
- Download OFW 550.PBP
then rename it to SCE.PBP then copy it to ms0:/PSP/GAME/UPDATE folder
- Run the update from the "Game"

IMPORTANT: When you finish the update and asked to press X,
just press the X button to restart.

Common Errors:

- Sony NP9660 doesn't work --
- This driver does not work now in this version, use M33 driver. --
- Network update doesn't work --
- This version is not yet implemented.




Spoiler for Feedback from Ruyor @ Dark-Alex.org::

Uses the Sony installer like most recent CFW, installs smoothly

Has the VSH Shutdown
Doesn't have the MS Speedup feature from 5.00 M33-6
PS Store Works Cheesy
Hide Pic0 & Pic1 doesn't work
ISO/CSO work fine
POPS work

Backup function of Recovery Flasher works (Recovery Flasher doesn't work on 5.50 GEN-B, tons of errors)
Restore function of Recovery Flasher works perfectly
NesterJ 1.11 doesn't work ("This game cannot be started. The data is corrupted." it works fine on 5.00 M33-6)

---Bugs Found---
Hide Pic0 & Pic1 doesn't work
NesterJ 1.11 doesn't work ("This game cannot be started. The data is corrupted." it works fine on 5.00 M33-6)

Much better and less buggy than 5.50 GEN, once the bugs are ironed out, I'll start using this on my Slim (currently using 5.50 U3R with 5.50 GEN-A Build 4 as a base).
If a 5.50 Phat patch for IRShell is released, I'll use it on my Phat as well Wink
what's new comparing with GEN?
@ matchung:

GEN has more features basically this is just a custom firmware version of 5.50 nothing fancy..

no SpeedUP MS feature..
yay i don't have hackable psp as of now to test it.
Can anyone confirm if LEDA is compatible with this?

I would like to update to a 5.50 cfw, but am not willing to lose my 1.50k brew...
I'll stick with 5.00M33. Never had any problems with it, and I don't really play PSP games.
Nice wave in the video. Anybody know how to make one?


Found here
@ Mandingo:

you can get the 176 custom wave here
(courtesy of buckeyes937)
MHU = Monster Hunter United edition firmware?? :P
Where is the download link ?

EDIT:  Nevermind - found it...
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