nice but i stick to golden cf 550gen!
Thanks, but I'd rather have gen :)
SchmilK Wrote:MHU = Monster Hunter United edition firmware?? :P
lolz, what does MHU actually mean?
it looks more like a ripoff...
!because: they use "SCE.PBP", that's the way genyus named the OFW for flashing
its a bit odd when you think of the past
the time becus25 ripped off dark_alex's work [alex rolls out OE firmware, bit later becus25 rolls out his IE firmware]
in my opinion this firmware has nothing
just their late edition of a 5.50 GEN-B-ripoff
the only cool thing wee can see in the video is the wave, but what is wave when u can change it?
in the spoiler it says nester j 1.11 ddoes not run...it runs fine for me :-/ cxmb also works fine. and xplora...and flash0 plugin installer
the games menu seems to load a bit faster.
Vegetano1 Wrote:
nice but i stick to golden cf 550gen!
yea same. i mean i don't even no what this new firmware is properly, so much new poo poo has come out in absence of m33 firmware
I have never been so tempted to change firmwarez in my life...........
You shouldn't be. MHU isn't anything special.
silver_surfer Wrote:@ Mandingo:
you can get the 176 custom wave here
(courtesy of buckeyes937)
But this wave is not there. I guess they made it themselves instead of copying...
Anybody got the wave (system_plugin_bg.rco)? Can't install 5.50 MHU on top of 5.50 GEN-B to get it myself and don't bother to downgrade for that.
@ Mandingo:
it's included in the 176 waves by buckeyes937..
the name of the custom wave is "Green Star Bend"..
Thanks! My bad. So they copied that too...
These 5.00 waves work with 5.50 GEN-B too! Great!