after giving my awsome opinion on crisis core i found myself in the mood to talk about it some more. for those who have played the famous final fantasy Vll and crisis core or seen the movie advent children (recently re-released on bluray) who do you prefer? the REAL first class SOLDIER Zack Fair who got dragged into the whole situation and died protecting his honour. Or Cloud Strife the guy who went through hell and back, who experienced so much loss and heart ache. lets put this age old question to rest.
The real question should be:
The wannabe-cool hyper-active guy
The moron-depressing-spoon-face-gay
Isn't it obvious,
zack is manly as fudge!
Massive damn sword is epic And its the orignal! it ways a ton O_O
Ran in to save his friends even though some of them had turned against him and went bad and even if it ment going against shinra
Gave up his life in honor and life doing what was right for the world
Cloud allthough hurt did nothing to save zack
Runs away from his friends when there in trouble "only comes back after thinking hard about it"
cloud cause he is the real main hero character of FF7 as was described by squeenix creators and not zack, but i don't like them both, cause both of them are emos..
Zack handsome!

I'm gay!
omg soooo hard :/
Zack to be honest didn't do much compared the saving the world that Cloud did.
I like Zack but...damn I don't know :/
Cloud cause he makes awesome friends and saves the world :)
sorry Zack :'(
Mickey Wrote:Squall
/all discussions
feinicks Wrote:The real question should be:
The wannabe-cool hyper-active guy
The moron-depressing-spoon-face-gay
Could've said it better myself but hey it's good enough.
On that note I vote the wannabe-cool hyper-active guy.