feinicks Wrote:Sephiroth
/all discussions
but im partial to cloud out of the two choices... zack was as stated too "hyper active" for me... buster sword> zacks sword anyday... i made a replica of the buster out of cardboard for halloween once LOL
Rukia Wrote:Isn't it obvious,
zack is manly as fudge!
Massive damn sword is epic And its the orignal! it ways a ton O_O
Ran in to save his friends even though some of them had turned against him and went bad and even if it ment going against shinra
Gave up his life in honor and life doing what was right for the world
Cloud allthough hurt did nothing to save zack
Runs away from his friends when there in trouble "only comes back after thinking hard about it"
i completely agree apart from although cloud wasn't hurt, he was drug-fudgeed so he coundnt help Zack, he was completely out of it for the last part of crisis core
Black Mage.
/Every Final Fantasy discussion in all of the universe and every other time frame and dimension.