meh they should have not put it in a numbered series, squeenix should put it outside the main series and they just put FFonline just what like phantasy star has done with their rpg
i was excited at the prospect of a new Square MMO, as it was rumored a week or so back
But already milked that one Square a few years back...
see how they milked FFVII, apart from DoC, everything else was kindda good.
i mean the who FF MMO is nothing new, i was hoping for wither a new IP, or at least to use a different franchise...
its square enix style, even if it a total different game, you will only find awesome people with extreme clothing and mad skills in weapons/magics, no gory, no realistic world :P
Meh, I don't really like MMORPGs So I probably won't be getting this at all
why do people say FF XII was bad? That was one kick donkey game
though im not sure about this one, wee'll just have to wait and see