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Full Version: [here they go again..] Final Fantasy XIV goes online confirmed in E3
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oh well

here's the trailer

Source: YouTube

Source: YouTube

Final Fantasy XIV Online RPG Slated for 2010 Release

The 14th chapter of the popular Final Fantasy role-playing series is due out next year for the PlayStation 3. Unlike Final Fantasy XIII, which is also slated for a 2010 release, XIV will be a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG).

Videogame company Square Enix has not released details about Final Fantasy XIV, but a trailer of the game was shown Tuesday at the Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles. Subsequently, Square Enix launched a teaser site for the game, where fans can watch the video.

Final Fantasy XIV appears to take place in medieval times including Chocobos and airships, similar to the setting in Final Fantasy XII.

Square Enix’s first online Final Fantasy title was Final Fantasy XI, which was available for Windows PCs and PlayStation 2. Final Fantasy XIV will be exclusive to the PS3.

See more images of Final Fantasy XIV below the jump.

[Image: picture-4.png]

[Image: picture-2.png]

[Image: picture-3.png]

source: Wired
can't say anything about it, got to wait for the real thing
oh, and this one gonna be on PC as well
ps3 does support keyboard and voice chat, White Knight Chronicles, cough cough,
and no, technically you can't really connect Xbox live with PSN, so yeah,
im not sure about PC >< PS3/xbox though (but PS store work on both so....

note: White knight chronicles is kindda Multiplayer online too, only not massive, is also a big hit this year. and the rumor about NA version have voice chat is true
Heartless141 Wrote:^^^
ps3 does support keyboard and voice chat, White Knight Chronicles, cough cough,

Ah, ok. Didn't know that.

Well, I obviously don't own a PS3. (And I don't plan on getting one for that matter either).
ah, ok, sorry if i sounded offensive.

but yeah, just because they screwed up with XI, doesn't necessarily mean they gonna screw up XIV as well,

but then again, im not even hyped for XIII anymore, just wait for it and wee will see
Heartless141 Wrote:ah, ok, sorry if i sounded offensive.

but yeah, just because they screwed up with XI, doesn't necessarily mean they gonna screw up XIV as well,

but then again, im not even hyped for XIII anymore, just wait for it and wee will see

Nah, you didn't. Don't worry about it.

But IMO Square's sort of gone downhill since the period after FFX.
Quote:But IMO Square's sort of gone downhill since the period after FFVI

Fixed ;)

Like FFXI, there's no way I'm going to play this. MMORPGs are terrible @_@
Goshi Wrote:Like FFXI, there's no way I'm going to play this. MMORPGs are terrible @_@

To me, MMOs are good for socializing with your friends. You go around raping people/stuff with people you know, and that's sort of fun. And you can chat (like you would on MSN) while playing.

That's about it. Other than that, grind is gay, repetitiveness is gay.
Looks ok,. don't like online games,. :(

V1 wanders with multiplatform games, how is the cross platform "keyboard and voice chat" suport,.>? or you only be able to chat with friends on the same platform,.>?
oh, you can't, each multiplatform game has a PSN sever and XBL sever
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