So Sunday I got into an argument with my parents because I didnt want to go to church, so my dad got all offended and angry so he took my lappy, my phone, and my cable box

but I have the new iPod touch that they don't know about
I will be checking up on ep every once in a while, atleast I installed apache on iPod so I can code when I get bored.

I too am in the grounded club... I stayed up past bed time on my laptop... lucky I have this PSP they forgot about :D

even the cable box? ... dayyymmm
meh.. when it comes to church/ religion , i tend to not argue ... lesser arguments/b.s. that way
boogschd Wrote:even the cable box? ... dayyymmm
meh.. when it comes to church/ religion , i tend to not argue ... lesser arguments/b.s. that way
lol yup
Worse part is I just gave the girl I like my number, now she'll think I'm purposely ignoring her. Damn you summer break
Slushba132 Wrote:I too am in the grounded club... I stayed up past bed time on my laptop... lucky I have this PSP they forgot about :D
You have a set bed time? lol. What time?
Even if I stay awake till like 5am, my parents would just be like "it's bad for your health", or "what the hell are you doing at night?" and that would be pretty much it.
My sister on the other hand, would get similar treatment to you, if she decided to sleep at 5am. But then again, she's 14.
Assassinator Wrote:Even if I stay awake till like 5am, my parents would just be like "it's bad for your health", or "what the hell are you doing at night?" and that would be pretty much it.
My sister on the other hand, would get similar treatment to you, if she decided to sleep at 5am. But then again, she's 14.
Haha same here, they would just say like go to bed but do nothing about it.
Though I would rather not stay up till 5 unless there is a game I want to watch, and if there is a game like that my father and uncles would probably join me. Like on the 28th (here) is the Champoins league Final.
I can stay up until whenever. My mom honestly doesn't even care she won't even say it's bad