Endless Paradigm

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* SchmilK takes notes for when future daughter gets grounded.

I never really got grounded.....I'd just sneak out lol
i remember when i had a bed time...about 6 years ago
lol. I ended up disabling all devices except ipod access from connecting to the router, the cable guy came and couldnt fix it yesterday so a specialist is coming to check on the connection today Hahaha

I've done so much worse spoon ('borrow', get in fights, sneak out, run away for a while, etc) and Ive NEVER been grounded longer than a day. Now i decide to argue their beliefs and I get my summer ruined. I can't understand how they came to this conclusion. My room has no air conditioning so Hi to 110 degrees D:
Tetris999 Wrote:I can sleep whenever i want but i almost find it crucial to go to sleep sometimes because I'll be so wasted the next morning (and school is hard as hell these days, i need to stay up and pay attention)

Other than that, i like sleeping; it feels good :)

By the way sorry to hear that mickey, that's why you deal with religion until you're older XD

Same Here, I deal with my religion in a different way. and Same as well with the school, I'm in 12th and going to graduate.

As for the getting in trouble for staying up thing, my folks don't really care, but they do when I wake up late and miss the bus for school. Like for example, my friend Gillian who is 22 came out from Rochester(about an hour away from where I live) out to my house so wee could hang out for the day last Sunday. Well she ended up staying pretty late because wee started a movie at about midnight. My pop got a tow call at about 2:30, when she was either going to leave or stay the night, and he come out and says, "Don't you got school tomorrow?!" lolz, that was it though. My rents are cool.
why not tell them you'll look at the router, save getting a specialist out

Then offer to help with the tidying up. At first you'll get "sucking up won't help", but after a while it will do
Im 16 XD and it isn't like Im retarded... I never stay up past 1am. usually asleep by 12 unless Im watching anime. I think she thinks I won't get up for school. She is angry that I spend more time with the computer than her... and I think it is because she demands straight "A"s and thinks I will miss the bus affecting school performance. Meanwhile father is away training to go to iraq, and Mother doesn't want to get off her fat donkey to take me to school or to teach me how to drive. She is also afraid to leave the house...
Slushba132 Wrote:and Mother doesn't want to get off her fat donkey to take me to school or to teach me how to drive. She is also afraid to leave the house...

I don't know what to say to that.
lol. what do you call people are afraid to go outside?

theres a nice name for them.
Syfe Wrote:lol. what do you call people are afraid to go outside?

theres a nice name for them.

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